Ewok Catapult

Among many other weapons, the Ewoks of Endor used catapults to fling rocks at Imperial walkers. They were mildly successful at simply slowing them down.

Blockade Runner

The Corellian CR90 corvette, and its predecessor the CR70, was a sleek little starship perfect for either a rich princess’s cruise yacht or a subversive rebel smuggling operation. In fact, the Tantive IV served as both.

Episodes I-VIII

In anticipation of Episode IX, I built a montage from the eight Star Wars movies for Nebraska Brick Days Lincoln 2019. I even made it symmetrical–Episodes I and VIII show speeders over sand, II and VII are over water, III and VI feature walkers in forests, and IV and V show some of my favorite…


Max Rebo led his band from behind the nalargon whenever Jabba the Hutt demanded. Its melodious organ sound drowned out even the loudest screams, gunshots, or rancor growls.